Tuesday, October 16, 2007


oofffta: last week was a bit crazy as i was finishing my last week in tanzania; i went to a dispensary )like a clinic) and a catholic primary school: very cool to see: the lady at the dispensary was so kind and taught me a lot about how they function: i got to see the, do a test for hiv; and luckily the boys zere all negative: she spent about 45 min talking to the, though first about all sorts of diseases and what they do and hox to prevent the,: they were asking lots of questions and treated her with so much respect; i was quite amazed b!c that never happens in the us: the doc is usually in and out in 2 min:

anyhoo; i left early sat ,orning for morocco and after a mere 30 hours in planes!airports; i finally arrived in casablanca and slept for the next 18 hours straight: you are probably wondering zhy im using such crazy punctuation:::im using a very frustrating keyboard right noz with a ,ix of arabic and french letters and my brain cant handle so much crazness: btw; the period is too difficult to use; so im choosing to abstain; thus you get this:

i spent the last tzo days in casa and went to the third biggest mosque in the world: complete zith a retractable roof; turkish bath; and a,azing washing room: it was very neat: part of it was built over te ocean and it can hold 25000 peopla at a time: i was lucky enough to see the roof open::::apparently it rarely happens and the guide was quite surprised: i managed to get quite lost until i found out i was pretty close to the hostel: the old medinas can be quite confusing at first because they are just a maze of narrow streets and no signs or anything:

i took the bus this morning to marrakesh; and it is absolutely incredible: im staying in a really cute hotel in the medina 5 min away fro, an open square where they have snake char,ers; a huge souk )bazaar type thing); acrobats; story tellers and ,uch more: its quite fun to get lost in the crowd: i bought some amazing olives:::1 kilo for about a dollar: they are oh so tasty: anyhoo; im off to explore some more: take care:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey I am up to date now. I was thinking what was going on with your spelling, till I came across the explanation. Amazing stories. Take care. Love, Baba