Monday, May 4, 2009

ok change of plans....I'm going to med school in prague...

arrived in prague today after a four hour train ride from vienna, and boy does it seem like I've gone back in time a few hundred years. it's the most beautiful town I've ever seen. cobble stone streets, lots of old buildings that are well-preserved, and just the whole vibe of the town is out of this world. gonna go explore tomorrow...woot;)

the landscape on the way over here was really times almost felt like i was up in northern minnesota with the rocky cliffs and evergreens, then the gently rolling green hills. think im getting a bit homesick;) kept thinking about going for a run around calhoun, biking lots of places and playing with bailey...and of course hanging out with you all:) (if anyone is still even reading this??) it was pretty funny though...the train was 10 min late, and they kept coming on the loudspeaker and apologizing for the inconvenience..i kept thinking, man rock on, we're doing pretty well for timing;) hehe, i think all three places ive been to def have that german influence of timeliness. met these venezuelan kids in vienna who were pretty awesome and one of them is studying (chem!) in germany right now and told all these funny stories about them. apparently when they are working there is abosultely zero tolerance for chit chat (they dont even say hello sometimes) but as soon as theyre done they wanna go graba drink or hang out. he was telling lots more funny stories when two german kids walked in the door, at which point it was "man those "iranians" are so on time" which made us all burst out laughing as I told them persian culture with regards to time is very similar to latino. then the german kid came up to us in a very socially awkward way and was like "ahem, so people are trying to sleep so i think there should be no more talking now." pretty good..maybe you have to be there though. anyhoo, off to bed but hope u are all well. ciao from prague.

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